Uptempo! Accelerating the energy transition by innovation intelligence

We are facing a complex energy transition in the build environment. There are quite a number of experiments, innovations and novel collaborative projects. Relative less attention is paid to the learning capacity of these initiative. To prevent the reinvention of the wheel and to accelerate the energy transition we should shift the focus from solely technical output to a broader perspective that includes process outcomes and impact as well. Including stakeholder experiences both from the demand and supply side, as well as the role of institutions, policies and regulation.

In 2019 TKI Urban Energy and TKI CLICKNL have joined their forces to strengthen the learning capacity of the energy sector and to accelerate opportunities for scaling up the energy transition. MVI-Energy invited Ruth Mourik from DuneWorks as advisor for Uptempo to do research on learning capacity from a transition perspective and to develop a tailored learning method and activities programme for Uptempo.


Matchmaking session July 2nd  2019 (in Dutch).

More information

Ruth Mourik


Website Uptempo!

Website MVI-Energie

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