Razia Jaggoe

Razia works as a transition anthropologist for DuneWorks. She is passionate about engaging different worlds of experience in change-oriented processes. Where do climate-conscious ideals overlap or conflict with existing and imagined lifestyles – and how do we get a grip on such frictions and synergies?

Razia studied Cultural Anthropology and Developmental Sociology after working as a supervisor in sheltered housing. During this study program, she took up several internships, for which she conducted research into the displacement of work as a result of COVID-19, and into the question of why Rotterdammers in poverty predominantly do not apply for the benefits intended for them. For her bachelor thesis research project, she worked with policy staff of the municipality of Rotterdam who work on the regional energy transition. In June 2022 Razia successfully obtained her Master’s degree in Applied Anthropology at the Universitity of Amsterdam with a qualitative study related to the transition of education.


Razia Jaggoe

Razia Jaggoe