Charlotte Stijnen

Charlotte is a researcher at DuneWorks. Her work is concerned with analyzing and shaping innovative governance forms within the sustainability transition which embrace and are guided by democratic values, social inclusivity and justice. Among other topics, she is working on the question of how energy communities can be facilitated in a democratic and just way by looking at how end-users can be engaged in these processes. Moreover, she is researching how the needs, capabilities, and values of end-users can shape the technological design process and end result of digital tools used in energy communities. The overarching question that inspires her work is: How we can ensure that the needed sustainability transition is shaped together with end-users? Charlotte is interested in the science-to-practice-to-science interface, and how empirical findings at the individual and collective level can be woven into policy recommendations for a democratic and inclusive transition.

Charlotte has received her Masters diploma in Sustainable Development at Utrecht University, with a focus on governance practices. In her thesis she developed a framework for socially inclusive co-creation of nature-based solutions in cities. Her interests lie in urban resilience and sustainability, citizen engagement and participation in transitions, innovative governance, just transitions, nature-based solutions, and climate adaptation.


Charlotte Stijnen